Monday 15 June 2009

DiRTYSMaRT is a . . . "Smiley, party person!"

following on from the previous DiRTYSMaRT article, Muzik Snob managed to track down the DiRTYSMaRT boys for a swift Q&A session . . . . . .

- "Put yourself out there in three words."

>>> "Smiley party person."

- "What is your personal motto?"
>>> "Save time, see it my way."

- "Which three djs/acts, would start - middle - finish your perfect line-up?"
>>> "Tough question, I suppose it would have to be : Booka Shade, Laidback Luke, Deadmau5"

- "What has been your biggest ever Blunder?"
>>> "Djing at Wakestock festival in 2008. I got a little too enthusiastic jumping around behind the decks, tripped off the crate I was standing on and fell on my arse infront of 7000 people."

- "You guys are sponsoring the IBIZA club night - Electric Vendetta - going into the Summer party season. What/who do you think is going to be the sound of our Summer?"
>>> This summer is going to be a tough one to call. There are so many great nights every day of the week. I think this year is going to be a bit more tribal/ electro/ fidget?y, at the same time keep the euphoric sound Ibiza is famous for."

- "Where/who/what did you get the inspiration(s) for DiRTYSMaRT from?"
>>> "Music all the way. Our designs all have music connotations and we will keep things that was as long as we are around. Non of this conforming to the mass market bull shit. I came up with this idea for the clubbing industry alone."

- "Who do you think deserves a shout-out?"
>>> "Everyone that has supported us through the last 6 months."

- "do you like your djs to be :::: track-droppers OR euphoric-blenders?"
>>> "Droppers. If im listening to a Dj I want to know that he is there, putting everything into his set. Non of this outro to intro mixing shite."

- "What is your best party trick?"
>>> "Taking £100,000 from a group of shareholders and quadrupling it in 4 months!"

- "What is your perfect getting ready to go out track?"
>>> "Deadmau5- the reward is cheese"

- "If you could have a super-hero power, what would it be?"
>>> "Not arsed."

- "A question from you, to me. . . ."
>>> "Why is Deadmau5 called Deadmau5"
- "Apparently Joel Zimmerman, the man behind the Deadmau5 guise, named himself 'dead mouse' after an incident with a mouse getting into his computer and biting off a little more than it could chew . . . 'dead mouse' then became 'Deadmau5' for ease of login names; being both concise and unique. . . . . well that's what a little birdy told me ;)"

- "I asked the same question to detBoi and he threw this question out there. .
so" . . . "whoomp there it is, what do you think it is?"
>>> "Whoooomp was the sound of the creation of the universe.
Tag Team are taking the piss out of scientists. L. Ron Hubbard wrote a book on the big bang theory titled, ?Poof, There It Is?.
I would like to think the Tag Team where right and the universe was made with a Whooooooomp! not a poof!"

Thanks to DiRTYSMaRT for the Q&A and MASSIVEmassiveMASSIVE --- BiG UP!! --- for your night in iBIZA :::::
DiRTYSMaRT sponsors Electric Vendetta @ ES PARADIS

enjoy the summer . . . . x

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